Don't read too much into the results of these sample spins! The method of picking rules is yet to be tweaked to its full potential, and until a good selection of rules have been added, it's rather meaningless.
Once the Rule-O-Matic has been spun for a final time, the authors of the selected rules will be contacted in order to add clarifications and last minute twists. They won't be allowed to do anything drastic, and to limit their advantage of a heads up, they won't know for sure which of the rules atually were selected. (For example, they may be notified that one of three specific rules have been selected.)
Here is a sample spin, with the following rules being chosen:
Genre requirements
Life Is A Sport (OK)
To satisfy this rule, take the mundane activity of your choice and turn it into a professional sport. Let the crowds cheer when the player successfully transmits a fax, organs play and sirens blare when an omelette is folded, and hooligans boo, hiss and cry foul when the player spills ketchup while eating a burger.
The more outlandish and epic the fanfare and the more boring the activity is normally considered, the better. -
Technical requirements
There are 2 technical requirements:
ACME Radar (Great)
The game must include a radar system that somehow enhances the player's knowledge about the environment: it can show the positions of your enemies/allies, the shape of the environment, areas with elevated radiation levels and more.
Character Development (Great)
The game should feature some form of character development, like gaining experience points, leveling up, increasing stats... etc.
Artistic requirements
There are 2 artistic requirements:
Dragon effect (Good)
Your game must feature a character with the ability of breathing fire. Kudos for most creative uses and more spectacular fire effects.
Chancey (Good)
Random chance must play a big part of the game. This could range from different chances of firing or killing an enemy, to levels changing randomly around the player.
Despite the randomness, the game must still be fun to play! -
Bonus rules
There is 1 bonus rule:
Act of Sagan (OK)
If your game exposes an aspect of science in a comprehensive, positive and (if possible) poetic way, you may opt out of one of the other rules.
Other Important Info
All entries must comply with all requirements except where nullified by Act of Dog.
All entries must be submitted on or before 12:00 UTC on Monday 25th July without fail. All entries must be supplied in a ZIP file equal to or less than 250 KB in size. All source code, makefiles, documentation, and references to additional libraries used must be supplied in the ZIP file.
You can assume that everyone will have a copy of Allegro (standard installation) installed. You do not need to supply one. It is okay to use a more recent version of Allegro, but if someone is unable to compile your game because of that, it's your fault. You should consider uploading binaries for people who have problems compiling the source onto your own website. I will be checking that the binary and source match up, so adding enhancements to the 'competition binary' is not permitted..
If source code is reused from legal sources (your own, GPLed, public domain) you should declare this and what changes have been made, so that your work can be assessed for the voting.
People should keep a informative and interesting account of their development through the competition. This can be sent after the competition for those people with no Internet access over the weekend. This does not affect your space requirement.
A web-based "blog" update page will be available. This will allow spectators to see what is going on :-)
You can make use of all information sources, mailing lists as you see fit. This is not an exam! :-)